Transparency in Truro’s government is the cornerstone of our right to know about and direct how the Town of Truro acts in service to us and on our behalf.
Transparency is Core to Participatory Democracy.
It is crucial that Truro citizens – all who contribute financially, civically and in other ways to make Truro what it is – have clear and free access to the goings-on of our town government. We can and should trust our town government. We also have our own responsibility to stay informed, active and attentive.
Transparency Builds Trust.
Transparency ensures we are an informed community whose citizens have equal footing in deliberating and weighing in on Town issues and actions that affect us. Transparency encourages constructive participation, collaboration, and trust. Community building is hard work benefits from constructive dissenting voices. Difficult conversations need to be heard in public settings, with community input.
Transparency Promotes Civil Dialogue.
All citizens need easy access to vital information, especially related to Truro’s finances and planning, nit just at Town Meeting but all year long. Town government should welcome community participation and encourage curiosity. Creative solutions can be found when more voices are able to evaluate, consider and speak to local issues. Transparency in decision making is essential to open and inviting civic engagement.
Proactive Transparency Invites Participation.
It is not enough to provide information based simply on what is required by law. All elements of local government should be proactivein keeping its citizens informed, encouraging community input in decision making and inviting participation on town committees. Transparency is key to healthy civic conversation.